Saturday, March 6, 2010

Wishing you were here buddy..

Wishing you were here we used to shared all our stories, gossipping, laughing, and giggling in the middle of night before we sleep..i miss that moment.. boleh kah turn back the time balik???... (yaa....i know...surelly la cannot...)

I'm sorry, when you in trouble, i am not there to confort you..
I'm sorry, when you are happy, i'm not there to share the joy with you... prayer is always with you my friend..
hoping that you will be strong to faced the obtacles..

I'm just to tired...
maybe because...i'm not really enjoy with my life now...


ღ NinieJane ღ said...

Bbey :) i miss you.

slalu sa ingat masa kita dlu2 ni, budu2 ni haaha tkunci bilik banyak kali kan? hahahaha.. trus mlm2 bukan pandai tdr awal ni, limpang sd skali bcrita yang mau sampai pagi ba... mesti pasal lelaki hahahahaha.. eeee rindu ooo!!

Im okay now :) get used to live as a single lady.. hahaha.. how are u?????
Hang on there :) whatever that bothering you, please hang on. Why dont u do something that makes u happy instead? ambi risiko dia... hehehe im doing it now, and so far.. im happy of i choose :)

i know u r strong :)
p/s: bila mau pg minum2 ni? hehehe

Rhythm of My Soul said...

ya...ada lagi...remmember, ada satu kali before kita mau tdr, u asked me to lead to pray-smbyg tdr....ntah apa yg lucu tu...x hbs2kita ketawa...mulau kan...hehe..

i'm not that strong ninie... i am too afraid to take any risk...
i don't knw wht to do...kdg2 i almost want to give up in everything i do now...

Unknown said...
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ღ NinieJane ღ said...

hahaha yaba! time mau pray makan pun kita ktawa dlu.. sott ni! hahaha eee i miss you!! :D

dont be afraid bbey... yes, sometimes we think we're not that strong. esp when many probs come all at once, but we were given perfect physical and mind to re-think everything to its logical.. and that makes us strong. You have us lagi kannn hehehe tu tambah2 lagi bikin strong hehehe

i see you tomorrow then?