Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My heart singing

Hai, lately this song...this lyric always singing on my heart especially when i'm just wake up in the morning...so i decided to post it here, today.

Banyak perkara...
yang tak dapatku mengerti...
Mengapakah harus terjadi?....
didalam kehidupan ini..

Satu perkara
yangku simpan dalam hati..
Mengapakah harus terjadi?....
Tanpa Tuhan perduli...

Tuhan mengerti..
Tuhan perduli..
segala persoalan yang kita hadapi
tak akan pernah
di biarkanNYa
aku bergumul sendiri
sbab Tuhan mengerti...

p/s:i would like to dedicate this song to those who is now confused, and don't know what to do, which path they want to go, and have trouble/problems in life...

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